Understanding Your Test Results
For each test or subtest, examinee performance is evaluated against an established standard. A National Benchmark score has been established for each test; however, states that accept the NES tests for teacher certification may set their own passing score, independent of the National Benchmark. Teacher candidates should confirm the test's passing score through the applicable teacher certification agency in the relevant state.
The total test or subtest score is based on the number of raw score points earned on each section (multiple-choice section and, for some tests, constructed-response section); the proportion accounted for by each section, if applicable; and the scaling of that score. Raw scores are converted to a scale of 100 to 300.
How to Read Your Score Report
Score Report Explanations
- Foundations of Reading Benchmark Score Report Explanation
- Foundations of Reading for Wisconsin Score Report Explanation
National Evaluation Series™ Tests
For score reports issued on or before 7/26/2024:
For score reports issued 8/2/2024 and later:
Annotated Score Reports
View a sample that represents the type of score report you will receive and that includes explanations about important score-related information.
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